The Golf Dome - Winnipeg's Premiere Indoor Golf Centre - Winnipeg, MB Canada
The Golf Dome
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Summer Gold Membership - Single $269.00

Membership period: April 1 - October 31. Gold members can practice one hour per day during range open hours, Monday to Friday. During weekends and holidays, practice consists of one hour per day before noon or after 5:00 pm during range open hours. All members may continue to practice over their allotted time at a predetermined discounted rate. All membership usage is intended for the owner of that membership only and is non-transferable. Members can only share stations with other members, not with non-members. If you intend on wearing golf shoes, only soft spikes should be worn in order to extend the life of the stance mats. Adjustments will not be made for practice missed due to expiry, vacation and "no shows".

Contact Us
The Golf Dome
1205 Wilkes Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3P 1B9

Phone: (204) 489-7776

Gift Cards
The Golf Dome offers gift cards in any denomination over $10.00.

Click Here for more info.
Hours of Operation
Click on the link to view our Hours of Operation

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